I Love the Smell of Bullshit in the Morning....
Leon Gettler from The Age has a sharp blog on the smoke and mirrors that is Corporateworld - check out his latest entry:
Flagging crises to senior management via "bad news folders" is a novel concept. What does it say about the culture of an organisation where employees are afraid to speak up for the purpose of helping the organisation? Does it suggest too much time is spent wordsmithing and distorting reality to create an inaccurate (albeit rosier) picture?
In organisations where spin is encouraged to hide bad news and average results are ignored, who would be brave enough to put their name to bad news? Imagine the time wasted over who should put their name on the issue and carefully crafting the words to deflect blame.
"Tell them what they want to hear" should be drilled into every ambitious young graduate. You'll save yourself years of frustration if you submit to the rules early on.
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