Work stations suck
Work stations are the way of working for many people, in this age of down sizing and cost cutting. The idea is to "break down silos"and "get people communicating". Well, hear it from me, a work station prisoner, that it can be a frustrating experience.
Most people I work with are relatively normal and considerate about personal space. But every now and again you get those outlyers (a polite term for "weirdo").
So, my gripe against work stations?
1. You can't hear yourself think.
2. You can't hear yourself talk.
3. Some people feel compelled to treat their fellow colleagues to glimpses of their personal life we never wanted to see. Trust me, hearing you baby talk your husband is not going to endear yourself to me. Having to listen to repeated conversations of last night's break up or arguments over who has to cook dinner tonight is likely to make me want to break a chair over your head. Or push you out the window. Whatever is easier. Damn those double glass windows.
4. No privacy. How else are you supposed to organise job interviews or organise your home renovation?
5. Being subjected to other people's odours. I had to endure a colleague's BO (which I can only describe as being fermented, rotting flesh) for 6 months and then because no manager would confront her about this and the furthest anyone would take it was to tell her to wear more perfume because they pretended to like it, I had to endure hourly sprays of cheap Impulse. Absolutely vomitous.
Bring back the offices. I may be forced to smile and talk to you because you are in my team but hell, don't make me interact with you any more than I am paid to do.
In addition to this coporations hide behind "open communication" when the motivating factors for this office structure are:
1 Cost savings (space - real estate)
2 Visibility - watching over staff and control.
How many directors sit in open plan ?
Like battery hens laying eggs for the corporation !
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