Friday, June 02, 2006

Rah rah and all that tosh

Does anyone take corporate videos seriously?

Everyone pretends to buy into this tosh. The work contract we all sign up to is that we play the game of pretending to believe in it, to be excited about selling more stuff that people don't need.

How motivating for employees are doctored corporate videos of fellow serfs cheerfully toiling away, quite content with their unpaid over-time?

The real winners in this game are the corporate video makers who are paid a motza to create Oscar-winning levels of fantasy even Peter Jackson could not match. Of course, there could be serious risk of Repetitive Strain Injury behind the camera for all the eye rolling that must go on.

Don't be disheartened if you can't bring yourself to genuflect at the altar of The Company Line.

There will come a day when you will have outlived your usefulness and will be tossed on the corporate scrapheap. Of course it won't happen to me, I hear you say. Of course it will. You can't please everyone all of the time so the day will come when someone will decide they don't like you, regardless of how well you are doing, and oooof! out you go.

Don't take it personally. Just have Plan B ready.


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