Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Selling out?

Why do I feel uneasy when I see Australian of the Year Fiona Wood plugging Nurofen on Zoot Review?

Why do I feel like she has sold out?

On the face of it, it makes sense. Fiona Wood is by far a more credible source of medical information that Andrew Daddo and Karina Brown plugging Panadol for children.

Fiona Wood also enjoys a car sponsorship which caused a few waves when announced.

I don't flinch when I hear of sportspeople or C list celebrities endorsing unrelated products (who hasn't cringed on hearing Ian "Phully Sick" Thorpe flogging cereal?)

Fiona Wood has worked hard and why shouldn't she also partake in the sponsorship banquet like less deserving souls (surviving two rounds of Big Brother is not exactly contributing to world peace or saving lives).

We put our medical workforce on a pedestal and expect them to not gain commercially from their hard work. (Just hark back to the drama every time Medicare puts up its consultation charges - dear me, the medical profession should be doing this for free after (minimum) 10 years' study, you can hear the masses thinking.)

If only we had as much reverence for scholarship as for accurately kicking a leather ball between two sticks.


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